Welcome to Webflow Café

You’re invited to join Webflow Café. Boost your Webflow skills and connect with Webflowers around the globe — no matter what languages you speak.
¡Hola Webflowers! As a Webflow agency, you may have heard us at Edgar Allan talk about how much we love Webflow.
But did you know that ¿también amamos Webflow? And that Webflow Café is a fast-growing Spanish-speaking Webflow community?
It’s true! And you’re invited to be a part of it, whether you'd prefer to read our story in English or en español (it’s also good practice for us Spanish learners at Edgar Allan who use our dual-language apps daily).
Is the Webflow community an international community?
The short answer is: Yes, Webflow has always been an international community, but especially in recent years since the start of the global COVID-19 pandemic. When many of us closed our doors and stayed home, we also began to open them virtually. It happened that way for us too: before 2020, Edgar Allan was primarily staffed by local, Atlanta folks and mostly worked with companies based in the southern U.S.
But today we’re fully remote and are fortunate to have found the best people in the world to join our team: from coast to coast across the U.S., and in Argentina, Serbia, South Africa, and Peru. And today, Webflow is growing globally too.
But there remains one big issue: the majority of the conversation in and around the platform is in English only. We started Webflow Café as a way to bridge the language gap.
How does Webflow Café help bridge the technology language gap?
Since much of the Webflow world is in English, for anyone trying to break into this branch of the tech universe — especially non-English speakers — a language gap doesn’t make things any easier. At that point the challenge isn’t trying to learn a new tool, or how everything works, or even connecting with new people; it’s trying to do all of that in a second language.
As we looked around for where we could make a contribution to the Webflow community, we realized that the Spanish-speaking demographic was an underrepresented group with an amazing talent pool.
We wanted those Webflow users to be able to get the credit they deserve, while doing so and expressing themselves in their first language. We also wanted to share the innovative news that Edgar Allan is now an international, award-winning Webflow agency.
From there, Webflow Café was born.
So what, exactly, is Webflow Café?
Webflow Café is a weekly livestream with Edgar Allan team members as hosts: Felix from Spain, and Florencia and Pablo, both from Argentina. After even just a few minutes, viewers will quickly find that they each bring a slightly different flavor of Spanish (as well as a sense of humor!) to the show
The premise of — and honestly the best part about — Webflow Café is that it not only encourages participation from the Spanish-speaking Webflow community from all corners of the globe, but also gives English-speaking Webflow users an opportunity to practice international language skills and learn from our Spanish-speaking peers in their own language. We like to walk the walk – and talk the talk – here too: many of EA’s English-speaking team are actively learning Spanish as well, and pop in for practice.
As Webflow Café’s newest host, Pablo credits the contagious energy of his Edgar Allan teammates’ work with Webflow through Webflow Café as one of the many reasons why he decided to join our Webflow agency and work with us on this powerful mission of making Webflow accessible to everyone in the Spanish-speaking world.
“I originally met Flor and Felix through Webflow Café’s Twitter and recorded an interview with them. Now having joined the Edgar Allan team only a couple of weeks ago, I am both inspired and humbled by the incredible work they have done through 2022 in fostering the Latin American Webflow community. I am looking forward to all the great work we will do through 2023 and beyond!” - Pablo / Connect with Pablo on Twitter!
How does Webflow Café impact the Spanish-speaking Webflow community?
Simply put, the goal of Webflow Café is to help grow the Spanish-speaking Webflow community.
Since launching the first episode of Webflow Café in summer 2022, the format already has evolved in several ways and received hundreds of views (and dare we say rave reviews?) across platforms, most recently on Discord with almost 100 users at the time of writing this article!
Originally we posted content on Twitter Spaces as an easy way for people to pop on, but we quickly learned that an audio-only format is only appealing to an online audience for so long. After all, Webflow itself is a visual content management system (CMS)… so why not adopt a visual approach?
It wasn’t long before our hosts became the faces of the show, turning to livestreaming, complete with interactive chat and guest Q&A.
See all three Edgar Allan hosts in action!
The bottom line? We believe that Webflow is for everyone.
Whether you’re new to Webflow and just starting out, or you’ve been using the platform for years, there are skills for everyone to learn or improve! Episode topics range from step-by-step tutorials of Webflow basics like building a blog to exploring more advanced UI and UX design techniques, such as creating a client dashboard.
“We’re trying to find the balance between attracting new people and making sure that the people who already know Webflow don’t get bored. We especially love ‘happy beginning’ stories from new Webflowers — some of whom even have ‘graduated’ from Webflow with qualifying tests and have become official Webflow Experts since starting to practice and watch our show!” - Florencia / Connect with Florencia on Twitter!
So if you’re a Spanish-speaker and thought Webflow was out of reach, Webflow Café is here to encourage you to think again.
Our community is growing little by little, forging partnerships and international connections — while building some awesome websites and developing mad tech skills!
In fact, just last month, Edgar Allan held an in-person meet-up for interested Webflowers to watch Webflow Conf 2022 together in Buenos Aires. This was more than a networking event; most of the attendees knew about our work in the Webflow community and had heard about Webflow Café on Twitter. Those people brought their friends, and their friends brought friends… that’s how the international spirit of Webflow continues to grow.
And what could be more rewarding than that? Nada.
“It’s an honor and a responsibility that Edgar Allan has given us the opportunity to bring Webflow to the Spanish-speaking community. Webflow Café is a space where we can share all that Webflow has given us, in a spirit of learning, inspiration, and collaboration.” - Felix / Connect with Felix on Twitter!
Want to join the Webflow fun?
We’re always finding new platforms and mediums to reach our growing audience! Catch up on Webflow Café and never miss an episode. There’s plenty of ways to get involved:
Join the Webflow Café community
Keep up with the latest Webflow Café news on Twitter
And if you’re interested to learn more about why Edgar Allan is a Webflow agency, or why you should partner with a Webflow agency like us, check out our blog!