We believe great products are made of great stories.
The framework of a story is the most fundamental way we come to know the world. It's how we learn as children and how we hope to be remembered when we are gone.
And so when we talk about discovery and research, what we are really talking about is: How do we listen to the stories of our customers, the jobs they want to accomplish and the aspirations of the brand?
1. Have great stories
We look at the role of story as a “back to basics” way to organize the ever-growing, ever-more-complicated array of marketing approaches.
When we start a project we ask: What is the great story here? How can we uncover not just the story to tell, but the story we need to listen to? And ultimately, how can we help the organization become a part of that narrative in a more meaningful, impactful way — to have a great story, not simply tell one?
2. Let’s work in medium
Our focus is on the owned media channel — specifically we see the website as a hub for customer engagement and learning. A great customer experience is something that should be as responsive as it is well-planned. That’s why our approach to user experience looks to balance diligence and velocity. Those concepts might at times seem at odds, but we see them working hand-in-hand to inform our prototypes and, ultimately, the final experience.

3. Optimize for conversion
Our goal throughout the process is to create something tangible to learn and refine with users, then incorporate the learnings into our research, and use those findings to feed back into the system and make improvements.
The net here is our mission is to work in partnership with your organization to help shape your story into something that can be fully realized in the digital medium.