About - How We Work - Design to Build - Section 1 - Opener

Design pulls the story and vibe of a website together. Development is where those pieces really click.

If you’ve defined your brand strategy and a visual identity you’re excited about and are ready to take the next step toward creating your most important piece of owned media—your website—you’ve got choices.

You could go it alone. Onboard freelancers. Or, you could partner with us and let us fill in the gaps in your team, collaborate, create, and do the heavy visual and digital lifting for you.  

Design-to-build projects, like anything at EA, are approached efficiently and purposefully. We work as your editors of effort, allowing your teams to leverage their expertise while we get busy using ours—bringing your brand to market with a set of digital tools you can use.

Let our team get your brand on the path toward your company’s next big thing.

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