Services - Webflow Development - Custom Integrations - Custom Integrations Section 2
Custom Integrations Section 2
We commonly use JavaScript and our team follows a process of creating custom integrations that doesn’t just account for what a business needs, but incorporates what users want.

As an agency that’s intensely focused on making the web a more useful place, creating user-friendly custom integrations is something we’re really passionate about. 

That said, throughout our development process, we also maintain close communication with you to make sure anything we’re doing is inline with what you expect and need. 

Our process of creating custom Webflow integrations looks a little like this: 

  1. Discovery:

We work with you to understand your needs and goals, as well as the current state of your website and any existing integrations.

  1. Design: 

We design a custom integration that meets your needs, using our tools (Slater, WES, MAT) and APIs to connect Webflow to external tools and services.

  1. Development: 

We then get down to the business of building custom integrations. We commonly use JavaScript (custom, React, or Vue), Ruby on Rails, and PHP.

  1. Testing: 

Once built, we thoroughly test the integration to ensure it’s working correctly, addressing any bugs or issues that arise during testing.

  1. Deployment:

Once the integration’s been tested and approved by you, we deploy the Webflow project on Webflow or your servers. We can also support your unique hosting requirements if needed.

  1. Ongoing support:

After deployment, we provide ongoing support to ensure the integration continues to work smoothly and handle any future requests you make.

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