Services- Digital Design & UX- UX Architecture- Section 2.1
UX Architecture Section 2.1
We take our time understanding your business and its offerings to create a site structure that aligns with your brand strategy, pays off what your audiences need and expect, and that flows well page to page. 

I.e. a site that isn’t just frames inside which a writer will deposit text or a designer will create visual interest: a whole, brand-aligned, audience-first story.  

Edgar Allan also executes UX architecture in a very high-fidelity, super collaborative way. Many digital design shops will prepare wireframes that are gestural and general. We don’t think that says enough. So we include everything from interactivity and potential animation possibilities to page interlinking, button placement and intent, and even “notional” copy that helps humans understand what will happen on a page, even if it’s not “real” content yet. 

Want more insights into how we see UX architecture? Take a look:


Our approach to UX architecture is always on our minds. Check out more of our thinking on the topic: 


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