Services - Content (Landing) - Content Section 2
Content Section 2
We believe content is design on the web, and act accordingly.

We can’t tell you how many times we’ve read an RFP, pitched a project, or kicked off a full web design refresh and realized that while everyone’s focus has been on how the experience will look, function or be built, that how the words and images that convey the messaging and meaning is usually kind of glossed over. 

Design is massively important. So is UX. And if nobody’s developing the site, you don’t have a site. But also, if no one takes a step back to determine what that site is saying, how it’s saying it, and why, you’re missing a lot of the point of a great website – and likely the mark on how your audiences need and expect to receive the information you’re trying to give them.

Rather than leave that to the end of a project, our content team’s involvement starts at the very beginning and continues throughout, all the way through development. 

We start with research.

We think content always.

We believe in the power of a story-driven experience

The point is (pardon our metaphors) that you’d never divide up writing a novel into four parts and have four people do the work, then assemble the pieces right at the end. That’s not a story, it’s a game of telephone. 

We see web experiences the same way.

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