About - How We Work - AI and the Age of Wisdom - AI&W Section 3
AI&W Section 3
AI isn't just one thing.

It's a broad set of tools and services that use computer intelligence to accomplish a wide variety of things.

Here’s where the rubber meets the road.

First, there are a thousand ways AI already intersects with our lives. Specific well-known AI products like Chat GPT and Midjourney are two generative AI examples you've likely heard of.

We see AI’s potential as a tool – to help us work faster, learn more, and minimize certain repetitive tasks in favor of higher-level thinking and solving bigger, meatier problems. 

So, as an example, we don’t replace writers with GPTs, but our writers use various AI tools to free their minds and time to think creatively and be more helpful to their teams and our clients.

We haven’t cleared our design deck in favor of AI image tools, but our designers use them to release themselves from non-design tasks that typically just slow creative folks down. 

And we haven't abandoned the idea of a website as a tool built to solve problems for humans (because to us, that's its highest calling in most commercial cases). But we did use AI to build one that responds personally to anyone who visits it, so they can get to the information they need faster.

Think about what that can mean to your brand's digital experiences. And then, let's talk.

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