About - How We Work - AI and the Age of Wisdom - AI&W Section 2
AI&W Section 2
AI as the often emotionally and sometimes morally fraught hot construct of the decade:

At heart, we are explorers at sea and helpers in port at Edgar Allan. That is to say, we are curious problem-solvers who primarily use human-led thinking plus technology to solve various types of problems for our clients, ourselves, and our industry. 

So, we see the explosive construct of AI through the lens of curiosity and potential for human utility and connectedness. 

That means we don’t replace writers with GPTs. We haven’t fired our designers in favor of an intelligent image aggregator. And we look at the variety of AI tools and advances with this question in mind: “How can this incredible thing help humans better connect with each other and do the things they want and need to do while doing as little harm as possible?” 

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