Let’s just start with this: There are very few (or close to zero) scenarios in which you’d be starting a website project that has zero words or imagery.
Content Design is the focused discipline of creating audience-focused content in a digital experience. So yes, we absolutely do Content Design.

This discipline at Edgar Allan involves all of our different teams, from Content to Design and UX, collaborating intensely with a content-first mindset. All this collaboration and deep work help us create digital experiences that not only meet your goals but put your audiences and users first.
At Edgar Allan, we practice a modified version of Content Design that, in addition to presenting information usefully and in an audience-centered way, also works to close the gaps between brand and execution, between visual storytelling and the verbal story being told, and between what users need from us and how we give it to them.
Through intensive research, collaboration, iteration, and by putting our collective noggins together, we craft content that’s not only visually appealing, but informative, well-thought-out, and presents users with a high-quality overall journey.