Services- Support- SEO Support- Section 3
SEO Support Section 3
A lot of agencies use SEO as a way to game the system and rise to the top of search engine results. While this "an" approach, it's not what we do at Edgar Allan

The problem with creating content for the sole purpose of appeasing search engines is that you end up neglecting a pretty vital reason why having a website is important—serving your users and audiences. Sure, playing by the rules search engines lay out for us is important for SEO, but there are less icky ways of doing it and finding success. 

Edgar Allan focuses on users and story-first, always. 

We use SEO as a support system for the stories we tell, a means of creating content that’s useful for real people, and even weave it into our UX Writing process to create holistic, inclusive experiences. 

One example of how we do this is our approach to keyword usage. Rather than resorting to keyword stuffing, we sprinkle them in where they make the most sense, have the most impact, and read the best. 

Want to know more about how we think about SEO Support? Take a look at this: 


We think – and write – about SEO pretty often.  Here are some articles to read if you want a more in-depth peek into our brains: 


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