Services- Support- SEO Support- Section 1- Opener
SEO Support Section 1
We offer two streams of SEO support. One that forms part of an overarching website building project, and the other that’s part of our CSP (Client Success Program) – an extension of our services after your site’s gone live. 

During a project: 

Typical SEO support during a project encompasses keyword research, optimization recommendations, metadata, and general site optimizations. Basically, anything we can provide from an SEO standpoint to help your site perform well on search engines once it goes live.

As part of the CSP:

After your site’s gone live, there may be other areas that could do with an SEO tune-up. Often during a CSP project, we’ll help clients further improve their site’s performance, provide SEO-optimized content recommendations, optimize new pages that get built post-launch, and more.

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