Services - Content - Content Outline - Content Outline Section 2
Content Outline Section 2
Edgar Allan’s four-step process for outlining content is research- and data-driven, incredibly collaborative, and informative. 

We immerse ourselves deeply in your brand, target audience, and competitors to gain a firm understanding of the kind of content your audience would respond to.

Our process usually looks a lot like this: 

  1. Understanding

Before we create a content outline, we need to understand your target audience. We ask questions like “Who are they?” “What are their pain points, needs, and desires?” and " What kind of content do they consume and where do they consume it?” Once we have our answers, we use them to create a content outline that speaks directly to—and resonates with—your audience. 

  1. Researching:

Once we understand your audience, we need to understand your industry and the competitive landscape you operate within. We look into the kinds of content your competition is creating, how you can differentiate your brand, and much more. By leveraging our research, we can create content outlines that position brands as thought leaders.

  1. Brainstorming:

Once our brains are full to bursting with an understanding of your audience and industry, we get to work. Brainstorming content topics and subtopics, creating a list of potential content that aligns with your brand goals and audience needs, and breaking those topics down into subtopics are the name of the game here to create a comprehensive content outline. 

  1. Mapping:

Finally, we map out the structure of your content, determining the order in which the topics and subtopics should be covered and creating a rough outline for each piece of content. Doing it this way helps ensure that your content is well-organized, easy to follow, and relevant.

Once the outline is done, we hand it off to our content designers, who bring it all to life. They use the outline as a guide to create high-quality content that resonates with audiences and achieves your goals.

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