Services - Digital Design & UX - Animation - Animation Section 5
Animation Section 5
While Lottie and Webflow work very well together, there are some common issues that rear their heads from time to time. 

Here are some of the most common issues you might be facing and some solutions too. You’re welcome!

  1. Animations not playing?

Head to ‘Element Settings’ in Webflow and open "Lottie Settings". If the animation is set to play on click or hover, ensure you’re actually clicking or hovering to test it out. The same goes for animations set to play on scroll; you might just need to scroll to see your animation in action.

  1. File won’t upload?

Sometimes, Lottie files can be a little hefty, and if they're too large, they won’t upload to Webflow. But don’t nix the animation entirely! Instead, try optimizing it in After Effects to make it smaller before trying to upload it again.

  1. Animation looking off?

Some effects available in After Effects aren’t supported by Lottie. So, if your animation looks a bit different in Webflow than it does in After Effects, this might be why. Be sure to check the Lottie documentation for a full list of supported effects.

  1. Looping issues?

If an animation’s not looping the way you expect or want it to, make sure you’ve checked the "Loop" button in the "Lottie settings".

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