Services- Digital Design & UX- Illustration- Section 2.1
Illustration Section 2.1
How we go about doing illustration looks a little like this: 

  1. Identify:

We start by taking an in-depth look at your site and finding key areas where illustrations can add value. 

  1. Select:

Next, we identify an illustrative style and create relevant designs for the page in question. Illustrations should add context, provide clarity, and enhance the narrative of the site’s content. 

  1. Optimize:

Oversized illustrations can slow down websites and make them less user-friendly. So, we make sure to optimize our designs for web use while balancing overall quality with load times.

  1. Animate (where needed): 

Not everything needs animation, but it can make illustrations more dynamic and attention-grabbing. We’ll always consider animation if it’s appropriate and add it only if we’re sure it won’t be distracting or overused.

  1. Adapt:

Responsive design is the standard today. Without it, illustrations won’t look good on every device your site will be viewed on. We ensure that our illustrations, designs, and websites are fully responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Want more insights into our approach to and thought processes around storytelling? Check this out:


While you’re at it, take a look at these articles too: 


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