Services- Content- Notional Copy- Section 5
Notional Copy Section 5
Notional Copy is a vital part of any website project.

Why? Because it’s: 

A conversation starter

The whole process of wireframing and writing Notional Copy gets our content designers and UX specialists on the same page early in a project, and that conversation expands to involve our clients when we present our designs. It’s a way of collaborating that makes discussing positioning, ideas, vibe, and overall message constructive before we get down to the real business of writing any content.  

A jumping-off point

Once Notional Copy is written, it gives us a concrete platform from which we can create the content that appears on your site. Think of it as a compass that we use to home in on the messaging direction we've already presented to you, and test out language and intent.

An idea generator

The process of writing Notional Copy gives us the opportunity to ask and answer the “what if” questions. “What if this paragraph on this page were presented in this way?” “What if we focus this portion of the page on these ideas?” It gives our team and yours the opportunity to get creative and explore, and it proves invaluable when it comes time for us to knuckle down. 

A gut check

You're the expert on your product and industry. And we’ll be the first to admit that we don't know as much as you do. Because Notional Copy happens early on in production, we can quickly pivot if there’s something on the page that isn't quite right. We're ready (and willing) to learn.

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