Services - Brand Strategy - Brand Naming - Brand Naming section 2.1
Brand Naming Section 2.1
When it comes down to our approach to naming brands, here are some things we always keep in mind: 

  1. Make it memorable

If there’s one thing a good brand name needs to be, it’s easy to remember. We make sure anything we create and present is catchy, memorable, and unique enough for customers to recall when they need your product or service.

  1. Keep it simple

We know that the simpler the name, the easier it is to remember and the more likely it is to resonate with audiences. The KISS approach always applies.

  1. Be descriptive – in one way or another

Not all names need to be literal, but good ones need to be descriptive of something important to understanding the brand. It could be a feature. A differentiator. Or simply a gut feeling the brand needs to convey. 

  1. Consider the target audience.

When naming a brand, product, or service, it’s important to consider the audience’s age, gender, income level, and other demographics to find a name that “fits” with the expectations of the product. Is it luxury or everyday simple? When you think of it, do you think cutting-edge or traditional? 

  1. Avoid negative connotations

Turning off a potential customer with your brand’s name alone is obviously a no-go. It’s for this very reason (and many others)  focus group testing is vital to the brand naming process.

  1. Check availability

Before a brand name is finalized, it’s vital that the legalities around its use are checked thoroughly. While we aren’t trademark attorneys, we can offer surface-level checks via the US Trademark and Patent office’s online services. You’ll want to secure a lawyer experienced in trademarking to finalize your name.

  1. Consider Search Engine Optimization

A brand’s name can make or break how it performs on search engines. Choosing something similar to a different company can severely impact how well you rank on the results pages. To this end, Edgar Allan’s SEO team can provide research and insights to help you choose something wholly original to you and give your company the best chance of performing well on search engines.

Curious to know more about our thoughts on brand naming? Take a look:



Brand strategy and naming, in particular, are processes we love getting involved in. They’re service offerings we think and write about pretty often. Want to know more? Take a look: 


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